Plants & Kids
Lancaster County 4-H Horticulture Club
A club for those 4-H youth interested in growing flowers and vegetables. Club members have the opportunity to participate in club meetings, field trips, community service projects and creating exhibits for the county fair.
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2025 4-H Special Gardening Project
4-H families have the opportunity to participate in the special garden project this year.
The Special Garden Project is Golden Husk Cherry. This old-fashioned fruit from the tomato family has sweet berries inside golden husks. The fruits have many uses and can be eaten raw, dried, frozen, canned, or made into tasty treats like pies, desserts, or preserves.
Contact your local Nebraska Exension office for details on ordering seeds.
Special Garden Project
2025 4-H Special Agronomy Project
4-H families have the opportunity to participate in the special agronomy project this year.
The Special Agronomy Project is sunflower. There are two types of sunflower production in Nebraska — the first type is grown for oil production, and the second type is grown for human food consumption, referred to as confectionery seeds. A portion of the oil seed production is used in the bird seed industry. Sunflowers are grown throughout the state of Nebraska, with the greatest concentration in western Nebraska. The variety we will be growing is a high oleic hybrid. Its oil profile combined with a nice black seed color ensures multiple market options.
Contact your local extension office and tell them how many seed packets you need. The county office will order seeds as a county unit and then distribute them to the enrolled members. Place your order as early as possible as counties must have their unit orders submitted by March 1.
Special Agronomy Project
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Pizza Garden
Try something different in the garden this year. Everyone will enjoy growing a pizza garden.
This garden is even shaped like a pizza. In your garden area, mark off a circle by putting a stake upright in the ground. Attach a 3 and a half foot piece of string to the stake. Keeping the string tight, walk around in a circle and mark the ground to show the garden's border. Divide the circle into six equal wedges.
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Garden Fun Activities
Alphabet Gardening, Avocados: Starting Seeds, Bean Tower, Colorful Carnations, Coloring Eggs - Natural Dyes, Composting, Flower and Vegetable Word Search, Fruit Garland for Birds, Garden Poetry, Gardening Book List for Children, Garden Scavenger Hunt, Gourd Birdhouses, Leaf Rubbings, Make a Seed Tape, Miniature Gardens, Nature Journaling, Pinecone Bird Feeder, Pizza Garden, Potpourri: Make Your Own, Salsa Garden, Scarecrow, Seed Saving, Vegetable Garden Word Search, Zoo Garden Plant List
Check Out These Web Sites!
Fun, activity ideas to do with your family, classroom or 4-H club - from University of Illinois Extension. Perfect inside learning/fun for winter!
Gardening Activities with Kids, University of Illinois Extension
Gardening with Kids, University of Illinois Extension
Keep Your Kids Safe From Poisonous Plants!
Plant Safety
School Gardening Resources
Greenhouse Manual: An Introductory Guide for Educators - United States Botanical Gardens
School Gardening Resources - Helpful resources for school gardeners from Illinois Extension.
Utilizing the School Garden - Illinois Extension