4-H at Fair - Animal Exhibits

Several youth leading various breeds of swine in a show arena with an adult judge observing


Raising an animal develops life skills such as goal setting, discipline and a sense of responsibility. To show an animal, youth are required to provide their own animal (except members of Pick-a-Pig and Unified Showing, a sheep club for youth with special needs). All 4-H'ers may participate in animal-related activities which don't require an animal, such as judging or knowledge contests, and static exhibits related to animals. All 4-H animal projects are open to all 4-H’ers ages 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). Clover Kids Animal Showmanship is open to 4-H'ers ages 5–7. Youth may participate in animal projects by joining a 4-H club or as an independent member. Some clubs focus on a specific animal project while some clubs work on a variety of projects including specific animal projects. 

Livestock | Poultry | Horse | Rabbit | Dog | Cat | Household Pets | Super Fair Animal Entries | Youth for the Quality Care of Animals | State Fair Animal Information | State Horse Expo



National 4-H and Nebraska 4-H have developed many research-based project books (a.k.a. curriculum) to help teach projects. Purchasing project books is optional and not required to participate in 4-H or exhibit at fairs. They are available to view and purchase at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County office. For guidance, contact 4-H staff.


Fair Animal Show Online Programs    Fair Results   2024 Livestreams   Pre-Order Bagged Shavings for Animals   Weekly E-News

Super Fair Handouts, Forms & Other Resources


cow and pig icons

4-H livestock includes beef cattle, dairy cattle, bucket calves, dairy/pygmy goats, meat goats, sheep and swine. For more information about the 4-H livestock program, contact Extension Assistant Madelaine Polk at 402-441-7180 or mpolk2@unl.edu.

ALL livestock exhibitors must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training. Beef, bucket calves, dairy cattle, swine, sheep and goats being shown at the Lancaster County Super Fair must be identified by June 15. See 2025 Livestock Checklist handout for complete requirements.


Statewide Events 
  • Nebraska 4-H: Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) — (usually held in June on UNL East Campus) contests include Livestock Judging, Meats Judging, Livestock Quiz Bowl, Livestock Skill-a-thon and Animal Welfare Judging
  • UNL Animal Science: Nebraska Youth Beef Leadership Symposium — (usually held in November on UNL East Campus) 10th, 11th or 12th graders are introduced to career opportunities and current issues in the beef industry
State 4-H Resources 
Online Course

Study Opportunity: Livestock Judging at Livestockjudging.com (Lancaster County 4-H youth may contact 4-H staff at mpolk2@unl.edu or kpulec3@unl.edu for the Lancaster County 4-H account details)

Extension Websites


chicken icon

4-H poultry includes chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, etc. For more information about the poultry program, contact Extension Assistant Madelaine Polk at 402-441-7180 or mpolk2@unl.edu.

ALL poultry exhibitors must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training. Poultry do not require an identification form. 


4-H Embryology & EGG Cam

Statewide Events
  • UNL Animal Science: Chick Days — (usually held in March on UNL East Campus) workshops and contests including Poultry Quiz Bowl, Poultry Photography and Egg Art
  • Nebraska 4-H: Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) — (usually held in June on UNL East Campus) contests include Poultry Judging
State 4-H Resources 
Extension Websites


horse icon

To compete in 4-H horse shows, such as the Lancaster County Super Fair, 4-H'ers must complete Nebraska 4-H Horsemanship Advancement Level requirements. For more information about the Lancaster County 4-H horse program, contact Extension Associate Kate Pulec at 402-441-7180 or kpulec3@unl.edu.

4-H Horse Awards Night Results

Horses being shown at the Lancaster County Super Fair must be identified on the “Horse Identification Certificate” form below by June 1. 

Horse Show Patterns

Pattern classes are indicated in the Lancaster County 4-H & FFA Fair Book with a horseshoe icon. Many horse patterns (if supplied in advance by judges) are posted online and will be available in a printed booklet at the Super Fair.

Example Videos


Lancaster County 4-H Horse Incentive Program

Families must have paid $20 annual family dues to the ‘Lancaster County Horse VIPS’ to be considered for incentive awards. 

Statewide 4-H Events 
  • Horse Stampede (usually held in March on UNL East Campus) offers a variety of 4-H horse contests that do not require live animals, including hippology, horse judging, public speaking, demonstration, quiz bowl, art, and photography contests. Entry fees of Lancaster County 4-H youth will be reimbursed by the Lancaster County 4-H Council. Submit the receipt invoice to lancaster4H@unl.edu or the Extension office. If you have questions, contact Kate Pulec at kpulec3@unl.edu.
  • Horse Expo (usually held in July at the Fonner Park in Grand Island) the pinnacle experience for members of the Nebraska 4-H horse program
  • Rodeo (usually held in fall at the Sandhills Global Event Center) offers youth an opportunity to showcase their skills in working with their equine partners through speed and agility contests.
State 4-H Resources 
Online Courses
Extension Websites


rabbit icon

For more information about the 4-H rabbit program contact Extension Associate Kate Pulec at 402-441-7180 or kpulec3@unl.edu.

ALL rabbit exhibitors must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training. Rabbits being shown at the Lancaster County Super Fair must be identified on the “Nebraska 4-H Rabbit Ownership Affidavit” form by June 15. Rabbits must have permanent, legible I.D. (tattoo) in left ear before coming to the Lancaster County Super Fair. No tattooing allowed on fairgrounds. The tattoo must be entered during the animal online entry process (due by July 1) and on the completed comment card that is handed in at fair check-in. The tattoo will be verified at the time of fair check-in.

Example Videos


Rabbits R Us 4-H club focuses on rabbits, as well as a variety of other projects. Open to all youth ages 8–18. Rabbits R Us 4-H club usually meets monthly. For more information, contact club leader Sarah Lanik-Frain at 402-570-9994.

Statewide 4-H Event
  • Companion Animal Challenge — (usually held in June on UNL East Campus as part of the Premier Animal Science Event) individual contests include Essay, Demonstration, Art and Photography
Example Videos
Online Course
Extension Websites


dog icon

For more information about the 4-H dog program, contact Extension Assistant Elizabeth Thiltges at 402-441-7180 or ethiltges2@unl.edu.

At the Lancaster County Super Fair, 4-H dog exhibitors must submit proof of immunizations (rabies, DHL and Parvo) by emailing the vaccination form to the etiltges2@unl.edu prior to the fair. Dogs will NOT be eligible to compete if certificate of vaccination is not provided. 4-H dogs do not require an identification form. 

Dog Virtual Trivia Contest

The 4-H Dog Virtual Trivia Contest is a Lancaster County Super Fair contest held before the fair (usually held in May).

Dog Virtual Trivia Study Materials and Contest Links

Example Videos


The 4 On the Floor 4-H dog club for youth ages 9–18 usually meets January through summer. For more information or to RSVP, contact club leader John Croghan at 402-957-3651.

Statewide 4-H Events 
  • Companion Animal Challenge — (usually held in June on UNL East Campus as part of the Premier Animal Science Event) individual contests include Essay, Demonstration, Art and Photography
  • Dog & Skillathon Show — (held in Grand Island during the Nebraska State Fair)
State 4-H Resource
  • Achievement Program — at the beginning of the year, participants plan what to accomplish and at the end, they report on their completed accomplishments
Extension Websites


cat icon

For more information about the 4-H cat program, contact Extension Assistant Elizabeth Thiltges at 402-441-7180 or ethiltges2@unl.edu.

At the Lancaster County Super Fair, 4-H cat exhibitors must submit proof of immunizations by emailing the vaccination form to the etiltges2@unl.edu prior to the fair. Cats will have a health and immunization record check at the Lancaster County Super Fair. If a cat does not pass, it will be disqualified. All decisions at check-in are final. See 4-H/FFA Fair Book for other health requirements. 4-H cats do not require an identification form. 


The Wonder Cats 4-H club for youth ages 8–18 usually meets the last Thursday of every month from 4:45–5:45 p.m. For more information, contact club leader Kari Schepers at 308-882-8262.

Statewide 4-H Event
  • Companion Animal Challenge — (usually held in June on UNL East Campus as part of the Premier Animal Science Event) individual contests include Cat Skillathon, Essay, Demonstration, Art and Photography
Online Course 
Extension Websites


hamster in a wheel icon

4-H household pets include hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, mice, snakes, turtles, other reptiles, amphibians, fish, caged birds and any animal small enough to put in your pocket! For more information about the 4-H household pet program, contact Extension Assistant Elizabeth Thiltges at 402-441-7180 or ethiltges2@unl.edu.

At the Lancaster County Super Fair, all ferrets must have a copy of proof of rabies vaccination by emailing the vaccination form to the etiltges2@unl.edu prior to the fair. Household pets do not require an identification form. 


The Pet Pals 4-H club is for youth ages 8–18. Meetings and events to be arranged. For more information, contact club leader Sheri Ramirez at skr0701@windstream.net.

Statewide 4-H Event
  • Companion Animal Challenge (usually held in June on UNL East Campus as part of the Premier Animal Science Event) contests include Companion Animal Skillathon, Essay, Demonstration, Art and Photography
Extension Websites

Super Fair 4-H/FFA Animal Entries Must be Submitted Online

All 4-H/FFA animal entries for the Lancaster County Super Fair must be entered online at:

ShowWorks Online Entries

This includes stall/pen requests and livestock/poultry exhibitor T-shirt sizes. Youth must have been enrolled in 4-H Online at https://v2.4honline.com by June 15. Animal entries may be submitted online starting on June 18. Deadline is July 1, 11:59 p.m. No late entries will be accepted!

This handout (PDF) has more details and step-by-step instruction guides with pictures:

Online Animal Entry Instructions

Note: Do not use feedback through ShoWorks for comments or questions about entries — feedback is not seen by Extension staff until AFTER the Super Fair.

If you have questions about the process, call 402-441-7180 or email lancaster4H@unl.edu.

Exhibitors who enter the following species will be charged a bedding fee: Beef, Dairy Cattle and Bucket Calf. $12 per head for beef and dairy cattle. $9 per head for bucket calves. Please print, fill out and submit the following Livestock Bedding Fee Worksheet to the Extension office by July 8.

Livestock Bedding Fee Worksheet

Exhibitors who enter a Horse class that requires a Roping/Working Ranch animal fee, submit the following Horse Roping/Working Ranch Fee Worksheet to the Extension office by July 8.

Horse Roping/Working Ranch Fee Worksheet

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals Requirements for 4-H/FFA Members Exhibiting Livestock, Poultry and Rabbits

4-H/FFA youth participating in any of the following animal projects will need to complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) training:

  • Beef (bucket calf, feeder calf, breeding beef, market beef)
  • Dairy cattle
  • Goat (breeding meat goat, market meat goat, bottle meat goat, dairy/pygmy goat)
  • Poultry
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep (breeding sheep, market sheep)
  • Swine (breeding swine, market swine)

YQCA Login Portal

Youth must be currently enrolled in 4-H Online at https://4honline.com. Only parents/guardians may enroll 4-H members.

In Lancaster County, youth may choose one of two options to complete their YQCA requirements:

  • Complete online training at https://yqcaprogram.org. Cost is $12. For directions and more information, visit https://4h.unl.edu/yqca
  • Attend an in-person training held Thursday, May 22 and Thursday, June 5, both 6–7 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. To sign up for in-person trainings, you must go to https://yqcaprogram.org before the training. The training will cost $3 payable by credit or debit card on the website. We cannot take payments in person; all families must register and pay online. Note: You will need to take a 5-question pre-test at https://yqcaprogram.org before attending. You must sign in at the training as proof of attendance — certificates will be available online.

Deadline to complete YQCA and submit certificates of completion is JUNE 15. Send completed certificates to lancaster4H@unl.edu or Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68528.

Nebraska 4-H Additional YQCA Information

If you have further questions, contact Lancaster County 4-H at 402-441-7180 or lancaster4H@unl.edu.

Nebraska State Fair 4‑H Information for Animals

Animal exhibitors (4-H ages 8–18, FFA ages 10–21) are eligible to participate at the Nebraska State Fair regardless of county fair placing. State Fair individual 4-H livestock special nomination requirements are at https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair-livestock-id . By June 15: breeding and market livestock nominations must be entered and paid online at https://showstockmgr.com and State Fair DNA envelopes must be submitted to the Lancaster County Extension office. Each livestock project must have a DNA envelope submitted and a $7 nomination paid on Show Stock Manager by June 15. This includes feeder calves, and all market and breeding livestock for ALL SPECIES (excluding rabbits and poultry). Livestock animals will automatically be eligible for both breeding and market. Nomination process step-by-step instructions are at https://go.unl.edu/04sp. By Aug. 10, 8 p.m. CT, 4-H/FFA youth or their families must submit their final animal entries in ShoWorks online at http://nebr.fairwire.com. The Nebraska 4-H website with information and instructions is https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair-livestock-exhibitor.

4-H at State Fair

State 4-H Horse Expo

The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is held each July in Grand Island. Youth must be ages 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year) and have passed Horsemanship Advancement Levels I and II. Entries are due online by June 1 at 5 p.m. 

State 4-H Horse Show entries, horse ID’s, and level requirements are due June 1. The entry process must be completed online by the exhibitor or their family. 

Horse identification certificates, 2- & 3-year old western pleasure affidavits and completed horsemanship levels must be submitted to the Extension office or LC4Hinter04@unl.edu or kpulec3@unl.edu.

4-H Horse Expo

“4-H isn’t just about horses and going to fair all the time. It’s about making connections. I got my job through a connection through 4-H. It teaches responsibility. It’s about teamwork and hard work. Fair is like a sneak peak of what kids worked on throughout the year. You've got to work really hard to accomplish big things, and sometimes you get rewarded.”

— Caraline Higgins, winner of the Wilhelmina Wittstruck Memorial All-Around Champion Award for the 2024 Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H horse shows