4-H Clover Kids (Ages 5–7)

Lil Green inflatable mascot with group of youth in front of Extension building, all waving


The Nebraska 4-H Clover Kids program is designed specifically for youth ages 5–7 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). The program offers a variety of educational and recreational experiences in a non-competitive environment. These opportunities are ideal for developing confidence, creativity and competence during this stage of youth development. Lancaster County 4-H offers many opportunities for Clover Kids!

For more information about Clover Kids, contact Extension Associate Kristin Geisert at kristin.geisert@unl.edu or 402-441-7180.

Ways Youth Ages 5–7 Can Join 4-H | Clover Kids 4-H Club | Super Fair Opportunities



National 4-H and Nebraska 4-H have developed many research-based project books (a.k.a. curriculum) to help teach projects. Purchasing project books is optional and not required to participate in 4-H or exhibit at fairs. Examples: 

  • Making Foods for Me
  • A Space for Me

These are available to view and purchase at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County office. They may also be ordered online through UNL Marketplace and Shop 4-H. For guidance, contact 4-H staff.

An adult assisting a young child drip an eyedropper of colored water onto a coffee filter

Ways to Get Involved as a Clover Kid

  • Join a new or existing 4-H club. Some clubs have all Clover Kids members. Some clubs with older members incorporate Clover Kids in their regular activities or have separate activities for Clover Kids and older youth.

  • Be an independent member. Learn at your own pace with your family.

  • Participate in 4-H activities such as Clover College (the Clover Kids Camp is open to ages 6 & 7 as of June 10 — must have completed kindergarten).

Join 4-H

a group of youth holding patriotic items

Clover Kids 4-H Club

Youth ages 5–7 are invited to join the Lancaster County Clover Kids 4-H club, which helps families learn the ropes of the 4-H program. Clover Kids learn about a variety of 4-H projects using hands-on activities, as well as develop public speaking skills during a modified club meeting format.

The club meets once or twice a month, October through July, on Mondays, 6–7:15 p.m. at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Rd., Suite A, Lincoln, Nebraska.

At least one parent/caring adult must attend with their Clover Kid(s) and once a year, take a turn planning and leading the group activity. For more information, contact club leader Kristin Geisert at kristin.geisert@unl.edu or 402-441-7180.

Sample meeting:
6:00 p.m. Members and parents/caring adults arrive
6:15 p.m. Roll call/4-H pledge
6:30 p.m. Hands-on educational activity led by parents/caring adults
7:00 p.m. Refreshments and social time
7:15 p.m. Dismiss

Super Fair Opportunities


Lancaster County Super Fair July 31–August 9, 2025 at the Sandhills Global Event Center, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln
• 4-H & FFA Exhibits & Events July 31–August 3, 2025
display at a fair with Clover Kids artwork

Clover Kid exhibitors must be age 5–7 (by January 1 of the current year) and enrolled as 4-H Clover Kids. Exhibitors may choose from any combination:

  • Prepared Speech & Radio PSA Contest 
  • Fashion Show 
  • Static Exhibits 
  • Show & Tell 
  • Animal Showmanship

Clubs may choose from any combination of group club projects. 

4-H Clover Kids receive participation ribbons only — no trophies, premiums or awards are given. No state fair entry.

Printable Handout (PDF): Clover Kids at 2024 Super Fair


a young girl standing talking to an adult who is sitting at a table

• Register for Prepared Speech Contest by Monday, March 24, 2025
• Deadline for Radio Public Service Announcements (PSA): Monday, March 24, 2025
• Prepared Speech Contest: Sunday, March 29, 2025, begins 1:30 p.m. — time slots assigned (Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County Conference Rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln)

The Prepared Speech and Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contests provide 4-H’ers the opportunity to learn to express themselves clearly, organize their ideas and have confidence. Contests are open to all 4-H’ers ages 5–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). Youth may choose to participate in either one or both contests. 

Prepared Speech & Radio PSA Webpage


a young girl posing at the end of a runway, wearing a cute outfit

• Register by Monday, July 14, 2025
• Clover Kids Optional Modeling Practice Session: Tuesday, July 22, 2025, any time after 8 a.m. in the morning (Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County Lobby, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln)
• Public Fashion Show: Thursday, July 31, 2025, 7:30 p.m. (Sandhills Global Event Center – South Hall, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln)

Clover Kid members may model or carry 1 item in the Fashion Show. Clover Kids Fashion Show items may NOT be entered for static exhibit judging. 

Register by submitting “4-H Clover Kids Fashion Show Entry Form.” Submit to the Extension office or email to Kristin Geisert at kristin.geisert@unl.edu by July 14, 2025

Clover Kids may:
• Carry and show: pillow, pillowcase, purse, bag or other item they have sewn or decorated/embellished. 
• Wear: purchased top, shorts, pants, apron, cape, skirt or dress they have decorated/embellished. 
• Wear: top, shorts, pants or apron they have sewn.
• Clover shoppers: wear a purchased outfit on a budget. 

Fashion Show Details, Forms & Videos


three boys holding items they clearly made or painted

• Static Exhibit Check-in: Tuesday, July 29, 2025, 4–8 p.m. (Sandhills Global Event Center – Ag Society Hall, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln)
• Static Exhibits Released: Monday, Aug. 4, 2025, 7–11 a.m. (Sandhills Global Event Center – Ag Society Hall, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln)

See 4-H/FFA Fair Book for Static Exhibit check-in and release procedures. A Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H Clover Kids Entry Tag MUST be completed for each Clover Kids static exhibit (tags available at Extension office before the fair and at the Sandhills Global Event Center during static exhibit check-in).

No live animals — members may bring pictures, a poster or booklet about their animal activity. 

Note: All static exhibits will be on display during the Show & Tell activity. Posters limited to 22 inches x 28 inches.

Clover Kid members may enter up to 5 individual static exhibits.

Clubs may enter 1 group static exhibit.


an adult talking to a girl about her drawing, and a boy is holding a cat next to them

• Sign Up: Call the Extension office at 402-441-7180 between July 7 and July 25, or in person on Tuesday, July 29, 2025, 4–8 p.m. (Sandhills Global Event Center – Ag Society Hall, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln) 
• Show & Tell Time: Sunday, Aug. 3, 2025, 15 minute time slots 1 p.m.–2:30 p.m. (Sandhills Global Event Center – Ag Society Hall – Clover Kids Exhibit Area, 84th & Havelock, Lincoln)

Clover Kids may choose to show & tell any combination of the following:

Clover Kid members may show & tell 1 static exhibit.

Clover Kid members may show & tell 1 small animal.
• Only cats, dogs, rabbits or other small pets are allowed. 
• Small animals are shown as a Show & Tell activity only. 
• Animals must follow all health regulations on page 49 and for each animal species (refer to category). 
• For safety, small animals must be housed in appropriate cages/carriers (including dogs).

Clubs may choose from one of the following:
• Club members show & tell 1 group static exhibit.
• Skit or song — 5 minutes or less (members participate as a club).

Example Video:
2019 Lancaster County Super Fair - Clover Kids Show & Tell


two younger children leading goats with older children walking behind them

Most livestock shows and the Rabbit Specialty Show include a 4-H Clover Kids Showmanship class for 4-H members ages 5–7 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). Participants must be enrolled in Lancaster County 4-H as a Clover Kid. This class is meant to foster an understanding of the show ring, animal handling practices and gain experience for younger youth. 

To participate, enrolled 4-H Clover Kids should talk to 4-H or FFA members to find an animal to show and a helper, age 13 or older, to help handle the animal during showmanship. Animals must weigh less than 350 pounds. Listen to show announcers for instructions on how 4-H Clover Kids may participate.

See 4-H/FFA Fair Book for animal show times and locations.

The Nebraska 4-H policy for Animal Exhibits for Clover Kids is online at https://4h.unl.edu/policy-handbook/section-16.


Clover by 4-H logo

CLOVER by 4-H: National 4-H's online learning platform has 260+ interactive, exciting activities for everyone ages 5-18.

“Clover Kids club has helped my youngest bloom with the experience of public speaking and making new friends. Thank you!” 

— Nicole, Clover Kids parent