Lancaster County Super Fair July 31–August 9, 2025
• 4-H & FFA Exhibits & Events July 31–August 3
• 4-H Horse Shows July 30–August 3

The Lancaster County Super Fair, held at the Sandhills Global Event Center, is produced by the Lancaster County Agricultural Society. Lancaster County 4-H (part of Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County) partners with the Ag Society to produce the 4-H exhibits, events & activities during Super Fair. 

Many 4-H & FFA youth choose to showcase their finished project(s) at the fair. Only 4-H and FFA members enrolled in Lancaster County are eligible to exhibit in the Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H & FFA areas. 

To participate in 4-H or FFA at the fair, youth MUST BE ENROLLED in 4-H Online by JUNE 15 of the current year.


Join 4-H   Enroll or Re-enroll in 4-H   Code of Conduct   Thank You Sponsors

2024 4-H & FFA Fair Book

The 2025 Fair Book will be posted around March 27

The Lancaster County 4-H & FFA Fair Book contains detailed entry information for youth exhibiting in 4-H/FFA. A print version is mailed in early April to families enrolled in 4-H Online, and it is published online here.

Same as printed version (changes not indicated)

With changes from last year indicated in green


2024 Print-Friendly Resources
Stack of 4-H & FFA Fair Books open to different pages

4-H Food Stand

The 4-H Food Stand at the Lancaster County Super Fair is Lancaster County 4-H Council’s primary fundraiser. 4-H Council asks clubs and independent members to help by staffing a shift. At the fair, support 4-H by ordering from the 4-H food stand, which features a variety of snacks, beverages and the popular Walking Taco!

Several youth and two adults at a concession stand, serving people at a window

4-H Participation

Clover Kids Ages 5–7

4-H members ages 5–7 (by Jan. 1 of the current year) are considered 4-H Clover Kids. Clover Kids receive participation ribbons only. 

Youth Ages 8–18

4-H members ages 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year) may choose to participate in any combination of the following:

• Static exhibits (exhibits which don’t move on their own — for example, Photography, Food & Nutrition and STEM Rockets)
• Animal exhibits
• Contests

All Fair Book categories listed in the 4-H & FFA areas are open to 4-H’ers ages 8–18, except FFA static exhibits and 4-H Clover Kids activities. 4-H has many project books to help teach projects. These are available to purchase at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County office or online through UNL Marketplace and Shop 4-H.

FFA Participation

FFA Members

To participate in the FFA static exhibits and/or animal areas of the fair, youth must be a FFA member and enrolled through https://4honline.com by June 15. Only parents/guardians may enroll members. FFA members need to select TCA FFA, Malcolm FFA, Norris FFA, Raymond Central FFA, Waverly FFA or Crete FFA under “club.” Youth interested in joining FFA should contact the FFA advisor at their school. The following categories in the 4-H & FFA Fair Book are open to FFA members: FFA Ag Mechanics, Herdsmanship, Livestock Judging, Livestock Elite Showmanship, Beef, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Meat Goat and Swine.

4-H & FFA at the Nebraska State Fair

The Nebraska State Fair is held at the State Fair Grounds (Fonner Park) in Grand Island, usually the 10 days prior to Labor Day.

At the Lancaster County Super Fair, 4-H static exhibits are selected for the Nebraska State Fair by the judges in their respective areas. Note: In many cases, level 1 projects do not advance to the State Fair. A purple State Fair sticker is placed on all exhibits selected for State Fair, along with an attached State Fair general information sheet. After Super Fair, exhibitors are mailed a detailed instruction sheet, including ​a listing of qualified exhibits and when to bring their qualifying exhibits to Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms. Lancaster County 4-H staff will transport all Lancaster County 4-H static exhibits for State Fair to and from Grand Island.

In classes where presence of the 4-H member is required — such as animal exhibits, contests and Fashion Show — a 4-H member must be age 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). 

4-H & FFA livestock, rabbit and dog exhibitors ages 8–18 are eligible to participate at the Nebraska State Fair regardless of county placing. Animal entries are due online at https://nebr.fairwire.com and Youth Dairy Cattle entries are due online via the Nebraska State Fair Open Class entry site. Select whether showing in 4-H or FFA. Deadline is Aug. 10 by 8 p.m. 

4-H at State Fair   FFA at State Fair

State 4-H Horse Expo

The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is held each July in Grand Island. Youth must be ages 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year) and have passed Horsemanship Advancement Levels I and II. Entries are due online by June 1 at 5 p.m. 

4-H Horse Expo

“I just love 4-H and fair. It’s my favorite thing in the summer. I do 4-H because I get good learning experiences in a supportive environment. People are always willing to help you because they want you to learn. I like to see which projects are successful and where I have areas to grow. I’ve always liked being at the fair and I love being able to do new things.” 

—Tenley Bauman, 4-H member