Conference Rooms

Conference room hero

Conference Rooms

Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County’s facility includes three conference rooms which can be combined (i.e., wall dividers rolled out of the way). Primary use of the conference rooms is for Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County programs and activities. When scheduling permits, the conference rooms are available to other government agencies and non-profit organizations — a small fee may be assessed (see Application for Use form below).

Plenty of free parking in the south parking lot across from Extension's front entrance. Vehicles parked in staff-designated parking are subject to being towed.

After hours lobby phone: 402-441-7170.

This facility is equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED) device in case of emergency (located in the lobby). Mother's room available (ask at the receptionist's desk).

To Reserve Conference Room(s)

  1. Call the Extension office at 402-441-7180 to determine room availability.
  2. Read and complete this 3-page Application for Use (a fill-in PDF).
  3. Email the application to as soon as possible, but no later than two days prior to event. Submission will confirm you are reserving the room(s) and officially hold the date & time.
  4. Extension staff will email confirmation of receipt of application.