Mary Jane Frogge, Nebraska Extension Associate

Love salsa? Grow a salsa garden this year. In your salsa garden plan to grow three vegetables and three herbs.
Parsley is a biennial herb that has flat leaf or curly leaf varieties. Plant 2 or 3 plants in your garden.
Basil - There are several kinds of basil varieties, but sweet basil is recommended for your salsa garden. Basil is an annual herb and you can plant 2 to 3 plants.
Cilantro is a very strong herb. It is an annual and easy to start from seed. Plant 2 or 3 plants in your garden.
Onions can be planted from seeds or sets. Select red, white or yellow for your garden. You can plant up to 30 onion sets in your salsa garden.
Peppers - Plant 2 or 3 pepper plants in your garden. Plant any green, sweet, bell type of pepper. If you like hot, spicy salsa, plan to also grow a hot pepper variety.
Tomatoes - Plant at least 2 tomato plants. Try one paste tomato variety, such as Roma. Roma has medium sized, oblong tomatoes with a thick meaty flesh. Also plant a large type tomato such as Celebrity or Delicious.
Gardening activity for children, kids and youth.