
By connecting with Nebraska Extension, Nebraska amplifies its strengths in agriculture, food production and natural resources stewardship in ways that are environmentally and economically sustainable — ensuring that all Nebraskans have access to safe and healthy food, safe and abundant water, and the benefits of Nebraska’s outdoor spaces.


Pesticide Safety Education

Private Applicator Training

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, in concert with Extension Specialists, Extension Educators and Extension Assistants, provides educational and training programs that address health, the environment, economic well-being and pesticide safety. We offer training and certification for private applicators. The cost is $60, payable the day of the training.

For more information, contact our office during business hours at 402-441-7180.

An educator in front of a room full of people in classroom style tables

Crop Tech Cafe Blog

image of plant growing out of computer

Crop Tech Cafe provides locally relevant and timely information to crop producers in southeast Nebraska. There are three main sections or drop-down menus on Crops, Technology and Economics.

soil probe, hay probe and spray calibrator

Equipment Checkout Services

We offer a variety of equipment for checkout, including:

  • Soil Probe: To collect soil samples for testing and analysis.
  • Hay Probe: To take representative samples of hay for nutritional analysis.
  • Spray Nozzle Calibrator: To test and calibrate sprayer nozzles to ensure proper application of pesticides or fertilizers.

To borrow any of the equipment, a $200 deposit is required. The deposit will be returned when the item is brought back in good condition.

For more information, visit or contact the office during business hours.

Plat Map and Ranch Recordkeeping books

Resources Available for Purchase

We have a limited number of books in the office available for purchase, including: 

  • Lancaster County, Nebraska Plat & Directory: Rural Directory books include plat maps, directory maps, county maps, directory alpha listings, plat alpha listings and 911 addresses.
  • Nebraska Farm and Ranch Business Record: Designed to help you keep a record of your farm's receipts, expenses and other information to provide a foundation for farm management decisions.

Additional resources, such as the Guide to Weed Management, can be purchased online at UNL Marketplace

For more information, visit or contact the office during business hours.

Talk bubble with a question mark

FAQs: Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the forms for cash leases or crop-share leases?

Leases are found at Scroll down to the publications and lease forms. Make sure to click on the publication or form you need. These lease forms can be your legal and binding contract with the producer/land owner. 

What is the cash rent price for my farm?

Cash rent price depends on several factors, but you can find your rate by going to If you have further questions, please contact our office at 402-441-7180 or you can email John Nelson at or Karen Wedding at  

What is the current price for large round bales of hay?

Hay prices are broken down into types of hay (Alfalfa, Brome, Grass, etc.) and prices are based per ton. Most large round bales are 1,200 – 1,500 lbs. You can find the current market value at  

I need to know what the custom rate is for…

You can find the custom rates for everything from planting to harvesting and Insect, Disease and Weed Control to Custom Contract Farming. The full report can be found at If you have further questions, please contact our office at 402-441-7180 or you can email John Nelson at or Karen Wedding at  

I have questions about my pesticide license.

If you need to know when your pesticide license expires, you can go to You can also sign up for commercial/noncommercial pesticide training by going to and clicking on Certification and Training. If you have further questions, please contact Karen Wedding at 402-441-7180 or email at  


Local Expert

John Nelson

Extension Educator, Water & Cropping Systems

John Nelson is a Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator serving Lancaster, Cass and Otoe counties. He works with producers in the area and helps them find research-based answers to their crop production questions. His areas of interest include precision agriculture, irrigation and soil water management, cover crops/soil health and soil fertility.

Portrait of John Nelson, with a pine tree in the background

Regional Expert

Connor Biehler

Extension Educator, Livestock Systems

Connor Biehler is a Livestock Systems Extension Educator with adult education responsibilities for Lancaster County and 7 other counties in southeast Nebraska. His office is located at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center (ENREEC) near Mead.

Portrait of Connor Biehler, with a textured photography screen in background