4-H — America’s largest youth development organization — is a community of youth learning in partnership with caring adults! Open to all youth ages 5–18*, the Nebraska Extension 4-H youth development program emphasizes: STEM, agricultural literacy, leadership development, entrepreneurship, career & college success, and healthy living.
NO FEES to join Lancaster County 4-H!
Lancaster County 4-H is supported by Nebraska Extension and the Lancaster County government.
*Nebraska 4-H age is determined by the age of the youth as of January 1 of the current year.
Why 4-H?
Through 4-H, youth:
- Choose from over 50 projects to “learn by doing” (such as STEM, photography, food & nutrition, home design & restoration, horticulture or animals).
- Develop practical and life skills to thrive and become resilient.
- Explore interests and career “sparks.”
- Participate in leadership and community service activities.
- Create positive change in their lives and communities.
- Earn recognition such as ribbons, awards and scholarships!
- Have fun while making new friends!

FAQs: Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Joining 4-H
How do youth join a 4-H club?
Complete a Get Involved in 4‑H Form sharing what project areas the youth are interested in. Lancaster County 4‑H staff will connect you with a club.
Is there a list of clubs accepting new members?
We don’t have a public list of general clubs accepting new members — instead, we connect you to available clubs. We do have a list of specialty clubs accepting new members (includes Clover Kids Club, Wonder Cats, 4 on the Floor dog club, Pet Pals and Lincoln Shooting Stars).
How do I start a club?
You are encouraged to help organize a new 4-H club — which is easier than you may think! Extension 4‑H staff provide guidance and resource materials. Call us at 402‑441‑7180 and we will help you! Get started.
How often do clubs meet?
Each club is different. For example, some clubs meet year-round and some clubs only meet in the summer. Most clubs meet 6-12 times a year.
Do youth have to join a club to be in 4-H or is there another option?
If the club format is not a fit, a youth may join 4‑H as an independent member and work on 4-H projects at their own pace. When enrolling in 4‑H Online, select ‘Lancaster Independent’ when making a club selection.
Is there a cost for joining 4-H?
There are no fees to join 4-H in Lancaster County.* Some clubs may ask for dues to cover the cost of projects, refreshments, etc. Some 4‑H clubs use 4‑H project books which cost $6.50–$13.50. Purchasing project books is optional and not required to participate in 4‑H or exhibit at fairs.
Are animals provided for projects?
To show an animal in 4‑H, youth are required to provide their own animal (except members of Pick-a-Pig and Unified Showing, a sheep club for youth with special needs). All 4‑H’ers may participate in animal-related activities which don’t require an animal, such as judging or knowledge contests, and static exhibits related to animals.
How do we enroll?
All 4-H members and volunteers must enroll or re-enroll every year using 4-H Online, the Nebraska 4‑H membership website. Visit lancaster.unl.edu/4h/enroll for step-by-step instructions. The process is easy and only takes a few minutes. Before enrolling for the first time, call Extension at 402‑441‑7180 or submit a Get Involved in 4‑H Form to receive information about club availability.
Can 4-H’ers join more than one club?
4-H members may join as many clubs as they are interested in joining. They may join more than one club within this county and/or in any other county in Nebraska.
Are there resources to help teach projects?
National 4-H and Nebraska 4-H have developed many research-based project books (a.k.a. curriculum) to help teach projects. These are available to view and purchase at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County office. They may also be ordered online through UNL Marketplace and Shop 4-H. Purchasing project books is optional and not required to participate in 4-H or exhibit at fairs.
Sunday, Oct. 5, 2025 at 5 PM
4-H Information Night
Find out how youth ages 5–18 can join 4-H! Free to attend and no need to register — just show up. See examples of 4-H projects such as STEM, art and other exhibits, plus animals such as rabbits!
Event will be held at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Rd, Suite A, Lincoln.
Open to all youth ages 5–18, the Nebraska Extension 4-H youth development program emphasizes: STEM, agricultural literacy, leadership development, entrepreneurship, career & college success, and healthy living. No fees to join Lancaster County 4-H.

“4-H has been an incredible opportunity for me to break out of my comfort zone, make new friends and give back to my community. It has positively shaped me to become the person I am today, and I will always remember how 4-H has impacted my life.”
— Adam Gabel, member of Little Green Giants 4-H club