Overview of Lancaster County 4‑H
4‑H — America’s largest youth development organization — is a community of youth learning in partnership with caring adults! Open to all youth ages 5–18, the Nebraska Extension 4-H youth development program emphasizes: STEM, agricultural literacy, leadership development, entrepreneurship, career & college success, and healthy living. In Lancaster County, 4-H programs engage over 34,000 youth annually through opportunities such as clubs, workshops, 4‑H in the classroom programs and afterschool/out-of-school activities. Lancaster County 4‑H is a partnership between Nebraska Extension and the Lancaster County government.
4-H Clubs
The flagship of 4-H is the traditional club program where youth receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on leadership roles. Clubs have regular meetings and most clubs work on a variety of projects together. Independent members learn at their own pace with their family.

4-H at Fair
Most 4-H youth choose to showcase their completed 4-H projects at fair. The Lancaster County Super Fair has the largest county fair 4-H static exhibit display and 4-H horse show in Nebraska. Only 4-H and FFA members enrolled in Lancaster County are eligible to exhibit in the Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H & FFA areas.

4-H in the Classroom
All Lincoln Public Schools and many other Lancaster County schools have integrated 4-H in the Classroom hands-on programs into their educational experiences. These programs meet LPS, Nebraska State and/or national education standards.
Ag Literacy Coalition & Festivals

4-H Afterschool/Out-of-School
Lancaster County 4‑H increases the quality and quantity of out-of-school programs by combining 4‑H resources with community-based organizations and offering high-quality education and development experiences.

Be Part of Something Big!
Join 4-H!
No fees to join Lancaster County 4-H!
Through 4-H, youth:
- Choose from over 50 projects to “learn by doing” (such as STEM, photography, food & nutrition, home design & restoration, horticulture or animals).
- Develop practical and life skills to thrive and become resilient.
- Explore interests and career “sparks.”
- Participate in leadership and community service activities.
- Create positive change in their lives and communities.
- Earn recognition such as ribbons, awards and scholarships!
- Have fun while making new friends!
Ways to Get Involved

Learn How Lancaster County 4-H Helps Youth Grow
Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County thanks all of the volunteers who donate their time and talents, and businesses, organizations and individuals who sponsor 4-H activities. Your support enhances the educational experience of the 4-H youth.

“4-H has provided me the platform to give back to the community in meaningful ways while also helping me improve my leadership skills. I discovered my passion in community service through the opportunities 4-H has given. I have also grown alongside my peers through the support of staff and the variety of service projects. I will use what 4-H has taught me to continue serving my community.”
— Christina Xu, Lancaster County 4-H Teen Council president

CLOVER by 4-H: National 4-H's online learning platform has 260+ interactive, exciting activities for everyone ages 5-18.