- New and returning Master Health Volunteers will need to enroll in the “Master Health Volunteer” course
- Self-enroll in the online Master Health Volunteer training at https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/KCYNNT
- After clicking on the link enter their email address and then select one of the following options:
- I am a new user
- I already have a Free For Teacher login
- Click “Enroll in Course” **this course is free**
- Open the “Master Health Volunteer” Course and begin the online training
- New Canva Instructor users will need to create an account as a new user
- Suggest using personal email to avoid school restrictions
- IMPORTANT!! Put your username/password in their phone or write it down. The website does NOT allow you to reset your password. If you forget your username/password, you will need to start over with a new username/password.
- Once you enroll in the course, you can access the course by going to https://canvas.instructure.com/login/canvas and logging in using your email and password you used to enroll in the online Master Health Volunteer course.
- Contact Emily Gratopp at emily.gratopp@unl.edu if you have any questions.