Heart of 4-H Award Winner: Stephanie Wachter

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Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer serice. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.

See All Heart of 4-H Winners
June 2011
Stephanie Wachter
Stephanie Wachter holding a 4-H mug, 4-H balloons, and a certificate.
Stephanie Wachter

A volunteer for about five years, Stephanie helps with a wide range of activities: started, and is leader of, the Future Veterinarians of Nebraska 4-H club | helps with Harmony Hill 4-H horseless club | member of Horse VIPS (Volunteers in Program Service) Committee and helps with fundraising and the Pre-Districts Clinic/Show/Fundraiser | member of 4-H Council and helped staff tables during Tractor Supply Company's recent Paper Clover promotion | writes grants for the Vet club, Harmony Hills club, and Horse VIPS Committee.

Jennifer Rawlinson nominated Stephanie for the award, saying, "She has been trying to cover every shift at Tractor Supply Company during the Paper Clover promotion and every time I talk to her she is telling me about the most amazing Vet Club projects!"

Stephanie says, "I like being a 4-H volunteer because I enjoy seeing the youths light up when something they are learning 'clicks;' seeing members get the recognition they deserve for accomplishing their goals; and the friendships I have developed with not only adults but the youth and parents. I have two favorite experiences as a 4-H volunteer: 1) watching the Harmony Hill Club members win special recognition for their 'Quilt Poster' for the horse poster challenge, all because they liked my idea; 2) making my daughter take the hippology test at last year's Horse Pre-Districts and her winning the champion trophy."