Heart of 4-H Award Winner: Sheila Scheideler

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Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.

See All Heart of 4-H Winners
October 2006
Sheila Scheideler
Sheila Scheideler holding balloons and a certificate
Sheila Scheideler

Sheila has been a 4-H volunteer for six years in many capacities: Leader of the Blazing Saddles 4-H club | Co-leader of the Hunters Pride 4-H club | Assistant superintendant of the County Fair 4-H Horse Jumping Show | Active member of the Horse VIPS Committee | Coach for Horse Bowl teams and Hippology teams

She was nominated for the award by Susan Frobish, who wrote, "Sheila epitomizes the heart of 4-H character. She is a kind, nuturing adult who is a wonderful 4-H role model and involves her club in all aspects of the 4-H horse program. Any parent would appreciate her as an adult mentor in their children's lives."

"I like being a 4-H volunteer because I enjoy watching 4-H members mature with their projects, learn responsibility and gain important values through their 4-H project experiences," says Sheila. "My favorite experience was watching our members practice their quadrille pattern this summer to music."

Sheila's two boys, Will and Alex are both active 4-H members. Sheila works at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Animal Science as Extension Poultry Specialist. She also volunteers with the Cornhusker Pony Club.