Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H Winners
Shari has volunteered with 4-H for three years and been leader of the Rock Creek Ranchers 4-H Club for two years. The club is very active, currently with 26 members including three Clover Kids ages 5–7. The club holds regular meetings, members work on projects together (including beef, photography, and public service announcements), does community service activities (such as playing bingo at the Waverly Care Center), and helps at the 4-H food booth during the Lancaster County Super Fair. This year, members had 224 total entries at the Lancaster County Super Fair.
"I enjoy watching the kids grow and take on more challenging projects," Shari says. "My husband was in 4-H growing up, but I was not, so I like learning about the opportunities available through 4-H and encouraging the kids to try new things. My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer is going to the fair to see the kids' completed projects they have worked so hard on."