Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H WinnersSara has been the organizational leader of the Rabbits "R" Us 4-H club for four years - leading monthly meetings, volunteering at the County Fair and helping organize the yearly Rabbit Clinics and Spring Show. Prior to being the leader, she was involved in the club for four years. Sara is also involved with the Wee Amigos 4-H club. Her children, Zach, age 16, and Emily, age 13, are members of Rabbits "R" Us. Emily is also a member Wee Amigos.
Bob Dresser, parent of a 4-H'er in Rabbits "R" Us, nominated Sara saying, "Sara is very positive about 4-H and each individual's participation. She includes each person in the activities and encourages each person to express his/her views and suggestions. She has organized each meeting so persons learn about conducting and participating in a meeting."
Sara says she likes being a 4-H volunteer because, "It is fun to teach kids to have fun and learn responsibility at the same time. 4-H is such a good organization that I feel it is important to give back what I had learned from it as a kid myself." Sara was a 4-H member for nine years.
She enjoys helping the younger kids in the club. "They are so eager to learn and participate, and when the fair is here they want to take and do everything. I also try to encourage the older members to gain some leadership skills by helping and encouraging them as well."
The Rabbits "R" Us club ran the dunking booth at last year's county fair. Sara says, "Everyone had fun even though there was work involved. The fair always is a lot of work, but the fun is what you remember."
Married to Todd Morton for 20 years, Sara works at BryanLGH Medical Center. She is involved in their children's school activities and is a board member of the Capital City Horse & Pony Club. Sara's favorite way to relax is watching baseball or going camping in the Sandhills. Something most people don't know about her is she loves big band music. Congratulations to Sara Morton. Volunteers like her are indeed, the heart of 4-H!