Heart of 4-H Award Winner: Quentin Farley

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Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.

See All Heart of 4-H Winners
June 2009
Quentin Farley
Quentin Farley holding balloons and a certificate
Quentin Farley

Quentin has been a 4-H volunteer for 13 years in a variety of roles including: 4-H Council member, co-leader of Star City Explorers 4-H club and a Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) Group trip sponsor. He has also helped with shooting sports, the Lancaster County Fair 4-H food booth and Kiwanis Karnival.

"I like being a 4-H volunteer because of the kids," says Quentin. "4-H provides great opportunities for life skills learning and self discovery. If you take a close look at the achievers in the community, you will see many have ties to 4-H! My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer was being a sponsor on the CWF trip. What can you say about two weeks on a bus with 50 teenagers! Getting to know 4-H'ers from across the country better and seeing our nation's founding landmarks with these kids was truly a moving experience."