Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H Winners
A 4-H volunteer for more than 20 years, Merlin has judged several rabbit shows and conducts rabbit clinics for 4-H clubs in Lancaster and Gage Counties. He also sells rabbits from his rabbitry to many 4-H'ers.
Ken Majors nominated Merlin and said, "Merlin is great with the 4-H'ers. He not only provides bunnies, but provides
4-H'ers with a lot of information on how to take care of them, grooming, breeding and actually any question they may have for him. He shows up at most of the rabbit shows to cheer on those that have bought rabbits from him and to provide information to any others that may have questions. He is a remarkable person, at 85 years of age, and still going strong."
Merlin said he likes being a 4-H volunteer because, "The future progress and success of 4-H depends on the dedicated work of 4-H youngsters of today's world."
His favorite experience volunteering at the County Fair was a number of years ago. "I was called upon to judge the Pet Rabbit Class," he said. "One of the youngsters showing her pet rabbit was a little handicapped girl. As she struggled to walk up to the judging table, everyone could see the great love that existed between the rabbit and the little girl. The rabbit lay content in her arms as she carefully placed it on the table. When I later announced she was the winner, the wide grin on her face was a sight to see!"
Merlin and his wife of 51 years, Jean, have three children: Jeanette, Greg and Rick. He is a retired minister of the Havelock Christian Church and also volunteers for nursery schools, public schools and retirement centers. His favorite way to relax is to cradle one of his Holland Lops and feed it raisins or dandelion greens.