Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H Winners
Karen was nominated for the award by Jo Fujan who said, "Karen has been a strong supporter of 4-H in Lancaster County for many years. She truly exhibits the "heart of 4-H."
Karen has volunteered for Lancaster County 4-H in many capacities over the past 12 years: Organizational leader of the Fantastic 4-H Club for five years | 4-H Council member and treasurer for six years, serving on food booth and budget committees. | Co-superintendent of Clothing areas at County Fair | Co-superintendent of Table Setting Contest at County Fair | Co-superintendent of Style Revue Contest at County Fair | Helped with 4-H Teen Council and annual Teen Dance | Sponsor on 2005 Citizenship Washington Focus trip to D.C.
In addition, Karen has volunteered in the 4-H areas at the Nebraska State Fair for seven years. "I like being a 4-H volunteer because I get to work with children of all ages and I get to work with other great volunteers," said Karen. "My favorite experience is seeing the faces of the children when they talk to the judges or just showing off what they made to their friends and family. I also enjoy seeing kids from different schools all becoming friends."
Karen lives in Lincoln with her husband Robert. Their daughters, Jami and Jaci, are 4-H alumni (Jami was a 4-H intern this summer). Karen grew up in a 4-H family in Scottsbluff showing sheep, hogs, beef, clothing, food and craft projects. Her parents were 4-H leaders and served on 4-H Council and local Fair Board.