Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H Winners
Julie and James started volunteering for 4-H nine years ago when daughter Terra joined as a Clover Kid.
In 2001 they started The Checkmates 4-H chess club as a pilot Nebraska 4-H project. Since then, they have organized three very successful statewide 4-H chess tournaments.
Julie is leader of the Sunshine Clover Kitties 4-H club. She encourages and leads the club in many community service projects such as participating in Kiwanis Karnival, Adopt-a-Park, Toys-for Tots, food and book drives, collecting Ronald McDonald tabs, recycling newspapers and volunteering for the 4-H Food Booth at the Lancaster County Fair.
They also help at the county fair in other ways: Julie assists with 4-H Style Revue and Horse Shows and Jim is a judge for the 4-H Bicycle Safety Contest.
They both like volunteering because they get to witness the growth of young people in so many areas and use their training and talents to make a positive contribution to the future.
Other activities they are involved with are: Jim is president of the Nebraska State Chess Association; Julie is the librarian for Oak Valley School; and they both volunteer at school events, for the Cornhusker Pony Club and at the Trinity Methodist Church.