Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H Winners
Gordon has been a 4-H volunteer for nearly 17 years and has been Superintendant of the 4-H Rabbit Show at the Lancaster County Fair for 14 years. He is a member of the Rabbits VIPS Committee and is assistant leader for the Rabbits 'R' Us 4-H club.
"I enjoyed 4-H when my kids were younger and after they grew up I continued to help because it's a lot of fun," Gordon says, "Helping kids learn about caring for and showing their rabbits is very rewarding. My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer was watching all of the kids I have helped grow each year. Many of the kids I started with are grown and married with kids of their own. I now get to help my grandsons with their rabbit projects!"