Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.
See All Heart of 4-H WinnersCathy has been a 4-H volunteer for 10 years, serving in many capacities: organizational leader (Carpe Diem 4-H club), project leader (Teddy Grahams and Star City Kids clubs), Clover College instructor (Fun Sun Pinata, Pizza for You), judge (record books), co-superintendent (County Fair 4-H Table Setting Contest) and fundraising co-chair (Citizenship Washington Focus '08 group). She has also assisted with Teen Council, County Fair setup, County Fair 4-H Food Booth, Kiwanis Karnival and other activities.
Her favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer was working with the Star City Kids in preparing for the Music Contest. "It was fun watching the kids grow closer together and become confident in their abilities to succeed in the contest," she says.
Cathy also volunteers for, and is current president, of the Heartland Home Schoolers. She lives in Lincoln with her husband Jim -- four of their six children are current 4-H members.