Heart of 4-H Award Winner: Ben Walbrecht

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Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.

See All Heart of 4-H Winners
September 2013
Ben Walbrecht
Ben Walbrecht holding a certificate.
Ben Walbrecht

A 4-H volunteer for four years, Ben helps the Happy Go Lucky 4-H club with group projects and meetings. He assists with the Youth Livestock Premium Auction at the Lancaster County Super Fair and has helped organize 4-H/FFA Beef Weigh-In days.

"I like to help encourage youth as they get the 4-H experience," Ben says. "My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer is watching the kids grow and change as they develop into adults, and seeing how they learn life skills."