Heart of 4-H Award Winner: Beatrice 77 Livestock

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Lancaster County 4-H presents a Heart of 4-H Award to a Lancaster County 4-H volunteer each month in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. The purpose of this award is to recognize volunteers who are, indeed, the heart of 4-H.

See All Heart of 4-H Winners
November 2022
Beatrice 77 Livestock
Three men with Heart of 4-H Award certificate
(L–R) Ryan Sommerhalder, Dennis Henrichs and Rick Jurgens. Not pictured is Gale Hardin.

Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Beatrice 77 Livestock of Beatrice as winner of the November “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.

Dennis Henrichs and Rick Jurgens of Beatrice 77 Livestock have been involved with 4-H since they started auctioneering 46 years ago. Ryan Sommerhalder and Gale Hardin are newer members of the team. They donate their time and services as auctioneers at 4-H livestock premium auctions in Lancaster, Gage, Saline, Johnson, Pawnee, Jefferson and Otoe counties.

In Lancaster County, Beatrice 77 Livestock has been the auctioneers for the 4-H/FFA Market Livestock Premium Auction since it started in 2010 at the Lancaster County Super Fair. At the auction, sponsors bid on an exhibitor’s animal to serve as a premium to help offset youth’s costs in raising their livestock — live animals are not sold. The Lancaster County 4-H/FFA Livestock Boosters coordinate this event and a portion of the proceeds fund college scholarships to 4-H’ers.

Beatrice 77 Livestock has also been involved with other 4-H fundraisers, such as the Hoffman-Ideus auction for three Gage County 4-H boys who lost their parents to COVID. Dennis served 5 years on the Gage County Fair Board and has acted as Master of Ceremonies of Gage County 4-H’s Parade of Champions and Row of Champions during county fair.

“We like being a 4-H volunteer because it’s our youth and the youth is our future,” Dennis Henrichs says. “Our favorite experience as 4-H volunteers is seeing the response of those young 4-H’ers when we are involved with the many 4-H families that are so giving to help in 4-H. Our small part, along with giving hands, can be so big when it comes to 4-H and county fairs. I have witnessed it so many times.”

Scott Heinrich, longtime president of Lancaster County 4-H Livestock Boosters, says, “Since the beginning, Beatrice 77 has supported the youth in both their time and monetary gifts. Denny and his crew have always been there for the boosters, and I thank them for their efforts throughout the years and look forward to many more.”