Guide to Drying Flowers

Home Gardeners
Guide to Drying Flowers
Monday, November 4, 2019

Mary Jane Frogge, Nebraska Extension Associate

Picture of dried rose pedals.

The wonderful smell of dried roses. Photo by

Flowers blooming in your garden may be dried for use in arrangements this fall and winter. Drying methods are very easy and the results will surprise you if you have not tried your skill at preserving flowers before. For your efforts you can have an excellent collection of materials for making arrangements, wreaths, and decorating your home long after the flowers in the garden are done blooming.

Air Dry Method
The easiest method is to air dry plants by hanging bunches upside down in a dark, dry, well ventilated area, such as a closet or attic. Select flowers that are near their peak of maturity. Remove unnecessary foliage and gather the flowers with the stems still attached into small bunches. Wrap a rubber band around the end of the stems and with the last loop, attach the stems to a hanger.

The drying process is complete in three to five weeks. It may be worth noting that with strawflowers you can collect only the flowers themselves and dry them without their stems on a screen or in an open box.

See the following list of plants suitable for hang drying.

Amaranthus spp. - Amaranth Achillea spp. - Yarrow Lunaria annua - Money plant
Ammobium alatum grandifloria - Winged everlasting Allium spp. - Ornamental onion Wildflowers
Briza maxima - Quaking grass Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly everlasting Asclepias syriaca. Milkweed
Celosia cristata or plumosa - Cockscomb Artemisia spp. Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherd's purse
Centaurea cyanus - Bachelor's buttons Astilbe x arendsii Carduus spp. - Thistle
Consolida ambigua - Larkspur Calluna vulgaris - Heather Daucus carsta - Queen Anne's lace
Cotula barbata - Pincushion plant Chrysanthemum spp. Dipsacus fullonum - Teasel
Gomphrena globosa - Globe amaranth Cortaderia selloana - Pampas grass Rumex acetosa - Dock
Helichrysum bracteatum - Strawflower Delphinium x cultorum Solidago spp. - Goldenrod
Helipterum humboldtianum Erynigium planum - Sea holly Sorghastrum nutans - Indian grass
Helipterum manglesii - Rhodanthe Goniolimon talaricum - German statice Typha spp. - Cattails
Helipterum roseum - Acroclenium Gypsophila paniculata - Baby's breath
Limonium sinuatum - Statice Heuchera sanguinea - Coral bells
Moluccella laevis - Bells of Ireland Hydrangea spp.
Psylliostachys suworowii - Russian statice Lavandula angustifolia
Salvia farinacea - Blue salvia Liatris pyconostachya
Xeranthemum annuum - Immortelle Limonium latifolium - Sea lavender
Monarda spp. - Bee balm
Origanum vulgare - Oregano

Drying Using a Granular Desiccant
Borax, corn meal, kitty litter and sand are among the common household items which can be used to dry flowers. An effective, homemade, drying compound can be made from one part borax and three part white cornmeal.

Of all the granular desiccants, silica gel is the best to use. It is available at most local craft stores. Silica gel can be used many times, but when the blue indicator crystals turn pink, it has absorbed all the moisture it can. Recharge the gel by heating it in an oven at 225 degrees for several hours to restore the blue color.

Flowers to be dried should be picked just before they are at peak maturity and the petals are free of moisture. Select flowers that are free of injury or bruises because these conditions will become more evident after the drying process.

Natural stems may not give the flower enough support when dry and may be difficult to manipulate and position. Cut off most of the stem, leaving only about an inch. Stems can be replaced with florist's wire after drying.

Start the drying process by placing about two inches of silica gel in the bottom of a shallow container that has a tight fitting lid, such as a tin or plastic bowl. Carefully place the flowers face up on top of the silica. Slowly add more silica until the flowers are completely covered. Replace the tight fitting lid to the container.

Generally, one to three weeks are required to dry flowers in a desiccant. Drying is complete when flowers are crisp and dry but not brittle. The thickest parts are the last to dry. Once the petals are dry, the flowers may be removed and air-dried the rest of the way.

To remove flowers, gently pour off the desiccant. Use a soft brush to clean any remaining material from the flowers.

Flowers recommended for drying using a granular desiccant are included in the following list.

Calendula officinalis Chrysanthemum coccineum - Painted daisy Gaillardia x grandiflora - Blanket flower
Tagetes erecta - Marigold Chrysanthemum spp. Helianthus maximilliana - Maximillian sunflower
Callistephus chinensis - China aster Coreopsis verticillata Rudbeckia hirta - Blackeyed Susan
Cosmos bipinnatus Dianthus spp.
Dahlia spp. Rosa spp. - Rose
Fuchsia hybrida
Zinnia elegans
Viola x wittrockiana - Pansy

Microwave oven drying uses a desiccant but cuts drying time from days to minutes. It also tends to produce plant materials that look fresher and more colorful than those obtained by other methods.

Use silica gel or some other desiccant to support the flowers in a microwave-proof container. Leave the container uncovered, and always set a cup of water in the microwave before starting to prevent excess drying.

Drying times vary from a minute to six or seven, depending on the size of the flower and its moisture content. A standing period of 10 to 36 hours after drying is necessary to complete drying and to allow the flowers to cool.

It may take some experimenting to get consistent results. That's why it's always a good idea to harvest at least twice as much material as you think you'll need to make up for those that are damaged in the drying process.

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