Sarah Browning, Nebraska Extension Educator
Allan Armitage's "Herbaceous Perennial Plants", Third Edition.
Looking for a book to give the gardener in your family this holiday season? Here are some of my favorites.
One of my favorite gardening books is “The Well-Tended Perennial Garden” by Tracy DiSabato-Aust, first published in 1998. The most recent 3rdedition was published in 2017. I like this book because it’s written by a professional gardener with a wealth of experience maintaining landscapes. She discusses in very practical terms all aspects of garden maintenance. For example, if you have ever wondered if a perennial plant should cut back, when, how much and will it rebloom, this book will answer your question.
Tracy helps gardeners choose those plants best adapted to their landscape conditions and design dreams. The final section of the book (over 100 pages) is an encyclopedia of garden perennials including a brief description, pruning needs and other maintenance required to keep the plant looking its best. “The Well-Tended Perennial Garden” is a good read for those who love to garden and a great reference for plant maintenance in future years. Amazon cost $22.85, 416 pages.
Selecting perennials for my garden is made easier by referring to “Herbaceous Perennial Plants” by Allan Armitage and the 4thedition is now available. A professor at the University of Georgia, Dr. Armitage has gardened in both northern (Montreal, Canada) and southern climates, which is reflected by his recommendation of plants for these diverse growing climates. Dr. Armitage provides a wealth of information on the many cultivars of each plant commonly available at garden centers and detailed discussion of the growing requirements for each type of plant. Cost $89.80 hardcopy, 1092 pages. Each book is signed by the author. Find it at
A great manual for identifying garden insects is available from the Kansas Department of Agriculture and Kansas State University, called “Insects in Kansas”, Glenn A. Salsbury and Stephan C. White. Don’t worry - it’s also very useful to Nebraska gardeners! I use this book all the time and it’s a great reference for anyone with an interest in entomology. Insects are grouped into easy-to-understand families, such as moths & butterflies, bees & wasps, beetles, etc. Each insect is shown with a color picture, description and botanical name. Many beneficial insects are covered, along with non-plant damaging insects like spiders and millipedes. It’s available from K-State Research and Extension bookstore, or call (785) 532-5830. Cost is $25.00.
Finally, if you started vegetable gardening this year or are planning a garden next year, check out the “Kansas
Find more book suggestions from the National Garden Bureau.
- Field Guide to Wildflowers of Nebraska - image from an Amazon bookseller
- Weeds of Nebraska - image from the NDA website
- Kansas Garden Guide - image from KSU bookstore pdf download of publication
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Insect Identification
Insect Identification
Nebraska Extension Entomologist Wayne Ohnesorg offers some insect identification tips.