Front row (L–R): Nicole Miller, Zainab Rida, Teresa Erdkamp; Back row (L–R): Phil Tegeler, Kim Klein, Regina Sullivan, Meghan Sittler; Inset photos: Jim Ballard, Philipe Bruce and Phil Wharton
2025 Board Members
- Nicole Miller — President
- Zainab Rida — Vice-President
- Teresa Erdkamp — Secretary/Treasurer
- Jim Ballard
- Philipe Bruce
- Kim Klein
- Meghan Sittler
- Regina Sullivan
- Phil Tegeler
- Phil Wharton (4-H Council ex officio member)
The Lancaster County Extension Board serves as an advocate for Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. Members of the board are appointed by the Lancaster County Board of Commissioners. The Extension Board provides guidance to Extension staff in establishing and accomplishing Extension education program goals and objectives. Annually, it assists in developing an operating budget and local educational priorities.
The board typically meets monthly (usually the second Friday at 8 a.m.) at Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln, Nebraska. A current meeting agenda shall be readily available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office. Since meeting dates/times/locations may be adjusted, be sure to visit our calendar for the most current information.
Interested in Serving on the Extension Board?
Extension Board members must be registered voters in Lancaster County. Application deadline is Nov. 1 for 3-year terms beginning in January.
Complete the application and mail to: Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County, c/o Karen Wobig, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68528 or email to kwobig2@unl.edu