If you are interested in becoming an independent member, fill out the Get Involved Form or contact Kristin Geisert at lancaster4H@unl.edu or 402‑441‑7180.
Independent members learn with their families at their own pace. This may be an individual, paired or entire family learning effort. Planned learning occurs independently of a formal group setting. 4-H offers a wide variety of opportunities for you to discover your world, your community and yourself.
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Featured Opportunities | Project Books | Community Service
Clover Kids
The Nebraska 4-H Clover Kids program is designed specifically for youth ages 5–7 (by Jan. 1 of the current year). The program offers a variety of educational and recreational experiences in a non-competitive environment.

4-H contests are fun learning opportunities held before and during the Super Fair. Example contests are Speech & Public Service Announcement, Fashion Show, Table Setting, Shooting Sports, Plant Science and various animal contests.

4-H staff and volunteers present hands-on workshops throughout the year, including Home Decor & Furniture Painting, Pillow Party Sewing and Let's Get Artsy. There are also several animal workshops, clinics and shows.

Clover College
Held in June, Lancaster County 4-H Clover College is four days of in-person, “hands-on” workshops. Learning topics include STEAM concepts of science, technology, engineering, art and math, which can spark career interests.

4-H at Fair
Most 4-H youth choose to showcase their completed 4-H projects at fair. Only 4-H and FFA members enrolled in Lancaster County are eligible to exhibit in the Lancaster County Super Fair 4-H & FFA areas. The Super Fair is usually held the first week of August.

Static Exhibit Projects
All projects which don’t move on their own are called static exhibits (for example, Food & Nutrition; Photography; Science, Technology, Engineering & Math; Home Design & Restoration; Clothing; Horticulture and Visual Arts).

Animal Projects
Raising an animal develops life skills such as goal setting, discipline and a sense of responsibility. 4-H animal projects include livestock, horse and companion animals. Youth are required to provide their own animal.

Chicks hatch live from January through April. EGG Cam is part of the Lancaster County 4-H Embryology program. Since 2002, 4-H EGG Cam’s live view has given families at home, classrooms and anyone on the internet the opportunity to watch chicks hatch.

CLOVER by 4-H: National 4-H's online learning platform has 260+ interactive, exciting activities for everyone ages 5-18.
Project Books
Purchasing project books is optional and not required to participate in 4-H or exhibit at fairs
Choose from over 50 projects to “learn by doing” (such as STEM, photography, food & nutrition, home design & restoration, horticulture or animals).
Lancaster County 4-H Project List Organized by Project Areas (PDF)
Nebraska 4-H Pick Your Project online project selection guide
National 4-H and Nebraska 4-H have developed many research-based project books (a.k.a. curriculum) to help teach projects. Project books are available to view and purchase at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County office. They may also be ordered online through UNL Marketplace and Shop 4-H.
For guidance, contact 4-H staff.

Community Service
Many Lancaster County 4-H independent members and clubs give back to their community through service projects. Participating in community service projects is a powerful way for youth to gain the skills they need to be prepared to lead. Some leadership skills youth gain through service include confidence, critical thinking, organization, public speaking, emotional intelligence, the power of action and empathy. In addition, youth can gain career skills through service. Some of the skills employers are looking for are the same ones gained by completing a community service project: communication skills, teamwork and budgeting.
Community Service Ideas for 4-H & Youth
Lancaster County 4-H Community Service Award Application (PDF)

“I consider 4-H to be an invaluable component of Elizabeth’s education. Not only has she gained knowledge and skills, but she has learned the importance of working hard to accomplish her goals. Additionally, it is an excellent way to meet other youth with similar interests. I’m truly grateful for the opportunities afforded to her through 4-H.”
— Laura Hilkemann, mother of Elizabeth Hilkemann, who was recognized as one of 10 4-H Premier Science Award winners at the 2024 Nebraska State Fair