4-H Enroll or Re-Enroll

Photo of 4-H Lil Green meeting Youth outside

4-H Enroll or Re-Enroll

All 4-H members and volunteers must enroll or re-enroll every year. The 4-H year is Oct. 1–Sept. 30. To participate in 4-H at county and state fairs, you must enroll or re-enroll by June 15. New members and volunteers may enroll any time of the year.


All 4-H members and volunteers must enroll or re-enroll every year. 

Enrolling Youth

Only parents/guardians may enroll 4-H youth. Each 4-H household will need to initially set up a family profile where you will add the individual 4-H youth and/or volunteers in your household. For returning families/volunteers, please do not create a new account — use your previous log-in credentials and re-enroll the individuals who will be participating this year. There is no fee to enroll in 4-H in Lancaster County.

• The only required health information is regarding allergies and permission to treat.
• Response to “Image Permission,” yes or no, is required.
• Each youth needs to select at least one project online. As of Fall 2023, project selection is no longer required for county/state fair participation. Exceptions: Shooting Sports and Horse project participants MUST select these projects for the required safety permissions. The project list is available under “Club and Member Resources” on Lancaster 4‑H’s website.
• Each youth must select a club, Lancaster Independent or an FFA Chapter. Please do not randomly select a club from the drop‑down list; contact 4‑H staff for club availability. 4‑H members who are not in a club or FFA chapter will select “Lancaster Independent” under “Club.”

If you have questions, contact the 4-H staff at lancaster4h@unl.edu or 402-441-7180.

Find enrollment instructions for new and returning youth members at https://4h.unl.edu/resources/enrollment/.

Enrolling Volunteers

4‑H club and project leaders must re‑enroll every year. Adult volunteers are asked to re‑enroll by March 15 so they receive all the information they need to succeed. New volunteers may enroll at any time throughout the year. All volunteers will be (re)screened in 2024–2025, regardless of volunteer type. Instructions for new and returning volunteers are available at https://4h.unl.edu/enroll/new-club-leader.


Nebraska 4-H has contracted with a new vendor, Sterling Volunteers, for volunteer screening. This new screening process takes approximately 5 minutes for the volunteer to complete, lasts for 5 years for each individual and is more comprehensive and user‑friendly than the previous system.

Nebraska 4-H will require that all 4‑H volunteers rescreen with Sterling Volunteers in the 2024–2025 4‑H year, regardless of their most recent screening date.
• The Sterling Volunteers screening fee is $16 per person and lasts 5 years.
This new screening requires that your date of birth (DOB) listed on 4-H Online matches your official DOB. Please verify that your DOB is correct before you begin your screening. Only county staff can edit date of birth information, so please email lancaster4h@unl.edu to edit your DOB if required.
• For 4‑H club leaders and project volunteers, the process will be initiated when you re‑enroll at https://4honline.com. When you finish your enrollment, your browser will automatically direct to Sterling Volunteers’s website to complete your screening.


The Volunteer Orientation is a roughly 45‑minute interactive video presentation about 4‑H history, operations and expectations for volunteers. With the new screening system this year, Nebraska 4‑H is requiring that all adult volunteers complete the Orientation. Exception: those who completed the Volunteer Orientation in 2023–2024 will not need to watch it again in 2024–2025. The 4‑H staff will be automatically notified when you finish your Orientation! If you would like to verify if your completion, please email lancaster4h@unl.edu.
Learn more and begin your orientation at https://4h.unl.edu/volunteer-orientation.

Adult enrollment will not be approved until Sterling Volunteers screening and Volunteer Orientation are complete. If your date of birth on 4-H Online does not match your legal date of birth, you will not be able to begin your screening.

If you have questions, contact the 4-H staff at lancaster4h@unl.edu or 402-441-7180.

Need help?

View detailed step-by-step instructions for enrolling new members or volunteers, as well as re-enrolling returning members or volunteers.